We speak to Marcelo Ardón and colleagues about their recent PLOS Climate publication, “Coastal carbon sentinels: A decade of forest change along the eastern shore of the…
Climate Change Behind the paper: changing forests on the US East Coast
Climate Change Behind the paper: investigating potential biases in coral reef temperature data
We speak to Wally Rich and colleagues about their recent PLOS Climate publication, “Widespread inconsistency in logger deployment methods in coral reef…
Climate Change Announcing new journal sections on PLOS Climate!
We are excited to announce the launch of four new sections on PLOS Climate! These sections will help expand the interdisciplinary dialogue…
Climate Change Cholera in Zambia: Climate and Poverty Fueling a Health Crisis
This blog post was contributed by Beenzu Siamalube, a biotechnology researcher focusing on infectious diseases and green factory immunization. She is dedicated…
Climate Change Thank you from PLOS Climate
Jamie Males, Executive Editor, PLOS Climate On behalf of myself and Editors-in-Chief Emma Archer and Niklas Boers, I’d like to extend our…
Climate Change Meet PLOS Climate Section Editor Sander van der Linden
PLOS Climate recently welcomed Prof. Sander van der Linden of the University of Cambridge as a Section Editor for the journal’s Behaviour…
Water Behind the paper: Transforming Place-based Management Within Watersheds
We speak with Stacy Jupiter, Aaron Jenkins, Timoci Naivalulevu, Akanisi and Mereia Ravoka, some of the co-authors of the recent PLOS Water publication “Transforming…
Climate Change Get to know Niklas Boers, PLOS Climate’s new Co-EiC
We introduced Prof. Niklas Boers as the new Co-Editor-in-Chief of PLOS Climate at the beginning of October 2024. Here, we hear directly…
Climate Change Meet new PLOS Section Editors Alexander Winkler and César Terrer
We meet Alexander Winkler (AW) of the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry and César Terrer (CT) of MIT, new Section Editors on…
Call for Papers Call for papers: a new ‘living’ collection for the IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Cities
As work on the IPCC’s Special Report on Climate Change and Cities begins, PLOS Climate is calling for papers for a new…