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A significant amount of research published in PLOS journals aligns with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Through our commitment to Open Access and Open Science, we are helping researchers increase the real-world impact of their work by ensuring it can be shared, applied, and reused by anyone who needs it.

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Rapid rise in urban sprawl: Global hotspots and trends since 1990, PLOS Sustainability and Transformation

Urban climate-health governance: Charting the role of public health in large global city adaptation plans, PLOS Climate

How can carbon labels and climate-friendly default options on restaurant menus contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions associated with dining?, PLOS Climate

The empirical evidence for the social-ecological impacts of seaweed farming, PLOS Sustainability and Transformation

Over the weekend: Water stagnation and contaminant exceedances in a green office building, PLOS Water

Worldwide moderate-resolution mapping of lake surface chl-a reveals variable responses to global change (1997-2020), PLOS Water

Rapid global phaseout of animal agriculture has the potential to stabilize greenhouse gas levels for 30 years and offset 68 percent of CO2 emissions this century, PLOS Climate

Maximising sustainable nutrient production from coupled fisheries-aquaculture systems, PLOS Sustainability and Transformation

Modelling point-of-consumption residual chlorine in humanitarian response: Can cost-sensitive learning improve probabilistic forecasts?, PLOS Water

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